Automatically sync your lights to a schedule.
Don’t forget. Clocks go back 1 hour on Sunday!
Sunday, November 6, 2016, at 2:00 AM clocks are turned backward 1 hour to: Sunday, November 6, 2016, 1:00AM local standard time. But not to worry, Kuna has you covered!
Luckily, Kuna’s fully customizable Light Schedule settings allow you to use your Kuna Powered devices’ general location to automatically sync to local Dusk and Dawn times. For example, if you want your light(s) to turn on automatically in the evening, you can choose Dusk for when the light turns on and you’ll never have to worry about adjusting your schedule for Daylight Saving again.
If you have either Dusk or Dawn settings enabled, you can also use the Dusk and Dawn offset timers to fully customize your light schedule. This allows you to so set your light(s) to turn on one hour before dusk, one hour after dusk, or anywhere in between. The Dawn Offset allows for complete flexibility and personalization.
For information on how to adjust your Light Schedule settings, visit our help center at:
Daylight Savings Fun fact:
Do You Know Which American First Suggested Day Light Saving Time?
“During the nine years he spent as American ambassador to France, Benjamin Franklin wrote an essay called “An Economical Project for Diminishing the Cost of Light”. In it, he suggested people get up earlier to make better use of available light and save on candle wax”. –
Franklin’s first suggestion of a plan like Daylight Saving Time appeared in the Journal de Paris in 1784 in its “Economie” section CREDIT: WIKIMEDIANow